Elements of Drama: Movement

Movement in Drama

Movement in Drama means:

1. To convey dramatic meaning through the use of body, action and blocking.
2. The action or 'flow' of a play or performance as it moves from one event to another.

SA Department of Education Drama resources, 2021

Physical Theatre

Physical Theatre is a kind of performance where movement is more important than words. One of the great things about physical theatre is that it can be understood and accessed by people of different ages, backgrounds and abilities. You don’t need a huge vocabulary, or even to speak the same language, to watch, enjoy or create your own movement-based drama. This is why physical theatre and movement is very important to Patch Theatre.

Movement in I Wish…

The performers in I Wish... are dancers and acrobats. They tell stories and express feelings and ideas with their bodies!

Watch the 1-minute trailer for I Wish… above:

  • How many different ways do the performers move?
    While watching the video, write down (or say out loud) every movement that you see (spinning, rolling, jumping etc)

  • Now it’s your turn! Play some music and act out all the movements you can remember (without speaking)

  • Discuss the different movements and what they might mean

  • For more activities, download the Movement, Acrobatics and Dance chapter from the I Wish… Education Resource

Exploring Movement

  • Brainstorm movement words and act them out (hop, skip, sway, roll etc.)
    Then add adverbs (quickly, gently, bouncily, gracefully...)

  • Take turns suggesting movements with a game of 'Yes, Let's!'

  • Act out a book, idea, fairytale or character without speaking

More activities to try

Wonder Wall Capture moments of wonder and awe to create a wonder wall.
Try It
Shadow Tableaux Create shadow tableaux in groups, capturing scenes and exploring relationships.
Try It
Colour Chromatography Activity In this simple STEM activity, children learn about colour mixing and separation in a hands-on way. Using a coffee filter and black marker, discover the different colours that make up black ink.
Try It