Storytime with Temeka: All the Ways to be Smart

Smart is not just ticks and crosses, smart is building boats from boxes...

All the Ways to be Smart Written by Davina Bell Illustrated by Allison Colpoys Scribble Kids' Books, 2018

Reflect and Respond

  • What are some of the ways that YOU are smart?

  • How are you different from your friends? How are you similar?

  • Who is the BEST person you know … at swimming? … at dancing? … at building things? at maths? … at making you laugh? … at being kind and friendly?

  • What’s something new that you have learned to do recently?

  • When do you feel really proud?

Take it further

Did you enjoy All the Ways to be Smart? Check out these fantastic learning resources from Scribble Kids’ Books:



Exploring similar ideas in different ways

Writers, artists, dancers, musicians and theatre makers explore universal themes in their own unique ways.

All the Ways to be Smart uses words and pictures to celebrate all the wonderful qualities that make people special and different from each other. I Wish… explores very similar ideas using physical theatre, acrobatics and dance.

This book is featured in the I Wish… Education Resource as part of the themed reading list People are made of stuff: Identity, Difference and Individuality.

Watch the trailer for I Wish…

  • Can you see how I Wish…and All the Ways to be Smart explore similar ideas?

  • What does it mean when something is inspired or influenced by something else?

  • What are some of the ways that you like to express your thoughts and ideas?
    (writing, drawing, singing, talking, moving your body… )

If you have seen I Wish…

What are some of the ways that the different performers were smart?

  • Yellow was smart at…

  • Blue was smart at…

  • Red was smart at…

  • and Green was smart at…

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

“I was inspired to write a text that gave comfort to children by identifying the inherent intelligence in areas of their lives that they might not have considered to be ‘smart’ … It is my greatest hope that this book shapes how children view themselves – that it gives confidence to children who have been doubting their own worth…”

- Davina Bell

In writing All the Ways to be Smart, the author Davina Bell was inspired by Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. This is a framework developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, to identify a range of cognitive strengths and skills that were not previously recognised or nurtured as intelligence. Believing that the traditional I.Q. test model of intelligence was too limited, Dr.Gardner identified eight key areas of ability to extend society’s understanding of what it really means to be smart.

  • Verbal-Linguistic intelligence / Word Smart
    ‘I like to read, write, tell stories and memorise information.’

  • Logical-mathematical intelligence / Logic Smart
    ‘I use logic, reasoning, numbers and critical thinking.’

  • Visual-Spatial intelligence / Picture Smart
    ‘I like to see, visualise or imagine what I am learning.’

  • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence / Body Smart
    ‘I like to learn by moving and doing physical activities.’

  • Musical intelligence / Music Smart
    ‘I sometimes use songs or rhythm to learn.’

  • Interpersonal intelligence / People Smart
    I like to interact with others and work as part of a team.’

  • Intrapersonal intelligence / Self Smart
    ‘I’m good at understanding my own feelings, needs, strengths and weaknesses’

  • Naturalist intelligence / Nature Smart
    ‘I like to nurture and relate information to my natural surroundings.’

More activities to try

Shadow Tableaux Create shadow tableaux in groups, capturing scenes and exploring relationships.
Try It
Snail Finger Puppets Transform your finger into a crawly creature and explore the world from a new perspective…
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Paper City Construct a city from paper and cardboard
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