Inspired by I Wish... create a vibrant wishing window at home or in the classroom.
What you need
Permanent markers
Coloured cellophane
A container for water
Dish detergent
A paint roller, sponge or chux
What to do
Choose a window for your wishes
Cut the cellophane into pieces
Use permanent markers to write or draw your wishes on the cellophane pieces – What do you wish to be? What do you wish you could do? Make a wish for the world or for somebody you love...
Mix a strong, soapy solution of water and dish detergent
Apply the soap mix to the window
Stick your colourful wishes on the soapy window and see the light shine through!
Tape cellophane to a table for easier writing
Overlap your wishes to see the colours blend
Look for colourful patches of reflected light on the walls!
Wishing Window Instructional Video
More activities to try
CD Rainbow ActivityMake a magical rainbow on the wall using a CD