Wonder Wall

Wonderverse was made to fill you with wonder and awe, from the grand scale of the spaces, the interactive moments shared with your group, and the beauty of the lights and music. Capture your own moments of wonder on a wonder wall.


You will need

Paper, markers, scissors, glue, magnifying glass (optional).



What is wonder? What is awe? What do they feel like?

Can you think of things in your life that have filled you with wonder or awe? Maybe an event, or a place, or something you saw or heard? It could be something huge and wonderfully overwhelming, or a tiny everyday moment…

Divide into pairs to share stories, and then bring the whole group back together to share the stories. Come up with sounds you might make when you are feeling wonder or awe, and make them together as a group.



Working individually, using the paper and markers, create a tiny picture of something that fills you with awe or wonder. Make it as small as possible! Cut around your tiny picture, and stick everyone’s pictures together on a larger sheet (or directly on the wall) to make a wonder wall. Take turns using the magnifying glass to have a closer look. Keep the activity going by adding to the poster whenever someone has a moment of wonder or awe. Maybe it could keep going all year…


Continue Learning

  • Get curious – find out more about the drawings, share knowledge, and make connections.

  • How does sharing moments of awe and wonder make you feel?

  • Could you work together to create a moment of awe or wonder for someone?

  • Choose something from the poster to share in a new way, for example in a story, a poem, performance, or sculpture

Curriculum Links

EYLF Learning Outcomes 1 2 4 5

1 Children have a strong sense of identity

2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world

3 Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

4 Children are confident and involved learners

5 Children are effective communicators

Primary Learning Areas

The Arts, English, Humanities & Social Sciences

General Capabilities

Critical and Creative Thinking, Intercultural Understanding, Literacy, Personal and Social Capability.


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