I Wish... in the Northern Territory

August 21st, 2024

The I Wish... team have just returned from an epic adventure throughout the Northern Territory. They performed I Wish... at Darwin Festival, and Araluen Arts Centre in Alice Springs, and ran circus workshops at local schools before travelling to Galiwin'ku (Elcho Island) to teach in-school workshops and present Sea of Light for the community.

Galiwin'ku is a Yolŋu community of approximately 2,500 people. It is also home to Wakara Gondarra – original cast member and creator of I Wish… – who was our amazing host and guide.

Hear from cast member Lisa Goldsworthy about the trip...

Going to Elcho was a trip like no other, in the most wonderful and rewarding way. After being friends with and working with Wak for many years now it was such a privilege and honour to be able to visit his home and work with him in his community. We were greeted with smiles all round and enthusiastic waves and hugs from local children. Upon our arrival at the school, we were guests for a ceremonially traditional cook up, including kangaroo tail, local fish and potatoes. 

We gave a specially curated performance at the school consisting of segments from I Wish..., a captivating routine by Darcy, and some killer dance moves from Wak. The kids, school staff, and local families could barely contain their excitement, with massive cheers and claps throughout. After the performance, the kids raced up to show us their acrobatics, doing rolls, hoop-dives and even back saults. We had a bustling huddle of kids by every acrobat ready to climb up us and stand on our shoulders, we stood there like two-high machines as these kids fearlessly climbed up us one after the other as we executed perfect two-highs to their smiling friends below. The energy on the basketball court under the pergola was electric. 

I Wish... circus showcase at Shepherdson College | Photo by Shepherdson College

I Wish... circus showcase at Shepherdson College | Photo by Shepherdson College

I Wish... Director Darcy Grant and I Wish... Creator Wakara Gondarra

“Thank you so much. It was a great two days and we all enjoyed it.”

– Teacher, Alice Springs



"Just extraordinary, we are all so lucky to have had this opportunity."

– Briony Hunt, Stage Manager



"The kids had a fantastic time and really enjoyed the classes."

– Teacher, Alice Springs

I Wish... circus showcase at Shepherdson College | Photo by Shepherdson College

I Wish... team in Alice Springs

I Wish... team on Elcho Island

Wak then took us for a walk around the cliff coastline as he pointed out wild crocodiles swimming below – to the untrained eye you would never know they were there. We went back to relax at the accomodation while Darcy and Wak went out fishing. 

Later that night we set up Sea Of Light for the local kids to enjoy, the serenity and tranquility in the room as they drew endless pictures with light was beautiful to watch. They marvelled at their creations and the wonder and magic of light. 

We shared a barbecue with Wak's family for dinner that evening – it was lovely to meet his family.

The next day, we went to the school bright and early to conduct back-to-back classes with all the kids. They were awesome – so engaged, so enthusiastic, and so giving with their time and energy. They had a ball, and we had a ball teaching and playing with them – the skills of some of these kids are incredible, some future acrobats there for sure. Before we left, we were invited by two local kids to their home to view their trampoline act, and it was actually quite good. Their skills were pretty good and they had choreographed it to music. 

Sadly, this brought our short trip to an end as we piled into the local teacher's car to drop us at the airport. We were all reminiscing on the beautiful times we had shared on the island and all wishing that we had been able to stay for longer. Flying over the various islands back to Darwin was a treat in itself, getting to see the beautiful land we call home from an aerial view was truly magical. 

I can speak on behalf of the whole team as I say we were all feeling so inspired and energised from the kids on the island and can’t wait to go back again.

I Wish... is continuing its Australia tour Aug–Sep 2024, visiting regional SA, Dubbo, Horsham, Bendigo, and Geelong  – see tour venues and dates here.

Thank you to Corrugated Iron for working with us on our trip to Elcho Island.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.