Explore our collection of fun (and educational) activities to try at home or school.
Continue your learning post-performance with education resources and activities.
Glow & Tell Education Resource
Printable PDF including curriculum links, classroom activities, discussion questions and more.
Wonderverse Education Resource
Printable PDF including curriculum links, classroom activities, discussion questions and more.
Superluminal Education Resource
Printable PDF including curriculum links, classroom activities, discussion questions and more.
I Wish... Education Resource
Printable PDF including curriculum links, classroom activities, discussion questions and more.
ZOOOM Education Resource
Printable PDF including curriculum links, classroom activities, discussion questions and more.
Home Education Resource
Printable PDF including curriculum links, classroom activities, discussion questions and more.
The Lighthouse Education Resource
Printable PDF including curriculum links, classroom activities, discussion questions and more.
Me & My Shadow Education Resource
Printable PDF including curriculum links, classroom activities, discussion questions and more.
Wonderverse Book List
Explore the themes of Wonderverse through picture books, middle grade fiction and non-fiction books.
Home Book List
Explore the themes of Home through picture books, chapter books & middle grade fiction and non-fiction books.
Colour-in the Snail
A snail is never far from home! Use your favourite colours to bring our snail to life.
Draw behind the Door
You have just arrived home… draw an AMAZING SURPRISE behind the front door!
Welcome Words
Marni naa pudni, Huanying, Bienvenue!
Can you match the greeting to the language?
Sea of Light Book List
Explore the themes of Sea of Light through picture books, chapter books, and non-fiction books.
ZOOOM Booklist
Explore the themes of ZOOOM through picture books, chapter books, and non-fiction books.
Feelings on Faces
How do people show feelings on their faces? Try your hand at drawing facial expressions…
ZOOOM colour in
Colour in the characters from ZOOOM! Brighten up these intergalactic creatures designed by Luku Kuku.
Superluminal colour in
Colour in the characters from Superluminal (by Luku Kuku and Cedric Varcoe)
Storytime with Temeka: Harold and the Purple Crayon
Temeka reads Harold and Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson
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Elements of Drama: Mood and Atmosphere
Simple activities to explore elements of drama mood & atmosphere drama in your classroom.
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Rainbow Water Wheel
An exciting STEM activity to try at home or at school!
Mix colours in a magical way with I Wish… performer and maker Zoë…
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Suitcase of Stories
After experiencing Spark: Once Upon a Jar, share the stories you have created.
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Storytime with Temeka: All the Ways to be Smart
Find a comfy spot to share the affirming and award-winning Australian picture book
All the Ways to be Smart with Patch pal Temeka.
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Storytime with Temeka: The Story of Ferdinand
Enjoy this classic tale of quiet individuality with Patch pal Temeka.
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Pass the Story
Build imagination and improvisation in this interactive group story-telling game
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Snail Finger Puppets
Transform your finger into a crawly creature and explore the world from a new perspective…
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Timelapse Videos
Create your own timelapse video! Timelapse videos are a clever way to quickly show something that takes a much longer time in real life.
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ZOOOM Character Activities
Colour in ZOOOM alien characters, design your own alien and make your alien move!
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A Piece of Dark
Meet the keeper of the dark in this introduction to the ZOOOM foyer activity.
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Mirrors and Reflection
Explore reflection and the magic of mirrors with these simple activities.
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Shadow Tableaux
Create shadow tableaux in groups, capturing scenes and exploring relationships.
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Behind the Creation of ZOOOM
Learn about the inspiration and creative process behind our multi-award-winning show ZOOOM from Artistic Director Geoff Cobham.
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Visual Storytelling
Share the wonder of visual storytelling with children using these imagery-based activities.
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Behind the Creation of I Wish...
Learn about the inspiration and creative process behind I Wish... from Geoff Cobham and Darcy Grant.
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Colour Chromatography Activity
In this simple STEM activity, children learn about colour mixing and separation in a hands-on way. Using a coffee filter and black marker, discover the different colours that make up black ink.
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Plant Light Maze
Create a maze inside a box and watch as a plant solves the puzzle to reach for the light.
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Superluminal with Geoff and Zoë
Learn about the Superluminal from Co-Directors Geoff Cobham and Zoë Barry.
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Finding Connections
Inspire children to find connections within the eco-system and between their classmates in this engaging classroom activity.
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Creature Sounds – Superluminal
Discover the creatures in Superluminal and explore the sounds they make.
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Animal Shadow Dance Party
Turn your classroom (or your lounge room) into a shadow dance party with a few simple steps.
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